Original price was: ₹400.00.Current price is: ₹100.00.

Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (POSH Act)

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About Course

Sexual harassment at work is not an uncommon incident faced by women in India or around the world. It’s the most popular form of sexual discrimination taking place at work. From street vendor, to domestic work, to construction , to big corporate, women face sexual harassment. Around 95% of the cases go unreported out of fear of losing the job or not knowing where to report it. India has progressive laws to prevent sexual abuse at work, but they are followed by a lack of awareness. Most of these incidents occur due to lack of awareness about the measures. The employers don’t know what effective measures they can take to make the work place safe for women, the colleagues don’t know their boundaries, and for women, they fear being victimised because they don’t know where to complain about the abuse.

In order to create awareness about this serious issue in our society, LeDroit India has come up with this free certificate course on sexual harassment of women at work. The bruises and the scars may vanish, but the pain inflicted remains forever. A little knowledge about the rights and a little information about the boundaries can help us to achieve our motive of making our surroundings safe for women again. In the course, you’ll be learning about:

strong> Course Content:-/strong>

What is Sexual Harassment?

2.Scope of Sexual Harassment laws.

3. Complaints Committee

4. How to file a complaint in case of sexual harassment?

5. Punishment for false or malicious complaints and false evidence

6. Duties of Employer

strong> Duration: /strong> Self-Paced Course

strong> How will you be marked? /strong>

After completion of the course, send us an email at ledroitonline@gmail.com with the subject “(Name of the course) Complete”, and we’ll send you the MCQ test which you have to submit to us within 48 hours. After going through your test we’ll send you the soft copy of your certificates.

Perks: Certificate

Registration Process:

To register kindly make the payment and make a note of transaction ID ,after making the payment fill up the registration form below, to buy this course. If you face any trouble while making payment Paytm or Gpay us on 6204801978.

To Pay click here.