
The Sale of Goods Act, 1930, is pivotal for anyone involved in commercial transactions, whether you’re a legal professional, a business owner, or a student of law. It establishes the rules for the sale of goods, outlining the rights and duties of buyers and sellers, and ensuring fair practices in the marketplace.

Course Objectives:

  • To provide an in-depth understanding of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930.
  • To explain the rights and duties of buyers and sellers in a sale contract.
  • To discuss various types of goods and terms implied by law in a sale contract.
  • To analyze the remedies available to parties in case of breach of contract.
  • To apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios through case studies and assignments.

Target Audience:

  • Law students
  • Legal practitioners
  • Business professionals involved in sales and procurement
  • Anyone interested in understanding commercial law

Course Outline:

Module 1: Introduction to the Sale of Goods Act, 1930

  • Week 1: Overview and Background
    • History and evolution of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930
    • Importance and relevance in commercial transactions
    • Key definitions under the Act (e.g., goods, seller, buyer, price)
    • Distinction between a sale and an agreement to sell
  • Week 2:Condition & Warranties 
  • Conditions and warranties: Definition and types
  • Implied conditions and warranties in a sale contract

Module 2: Transfer of Ownership and Risk

  • Week 3: Passing of Property
    • Rules relating to the passing of property from seller to buyer
    • Importance of the timing of the transfer of ownership
    • Impact of transfer of ownership on risk and liability
    • Sale by non-owners: The rule of “Nemo dat quod non habet” and its exceptions
  • Week 4: Delivery of Goods
    • Meaning and types of delivery
    • Rules related to the delivery of goods
    • Rights of the buyer and seller concerning delivery
    • Acceptance of goods: What constitutes acceptance?

Module 3: Performance of the Contract and Remedies

  • Week 5: Duties and Rights of the Buyer and Seller
    • Duties of the seller (e.g., delivery, ensuring conformity with contract terms)
    • Duties of the buyer (e.g., acceptance, payment)
    • Rights of the buyer in case of breach of contract
    • Rights of the seller in case of breach of contract
  • Week 6: Breach of Contract and Remedies
    • Types of breach (e.g., anticipatory, actual)
    • Remedies available to the aggrieved party (e.g., damages, specific performance, cancellation)
    • Legal consequences of breach of contract
    • Case studies illustrating breach of contract and remedies

Module 4: Special Types of Sales and Miscellaneous Provisions

  • Week 7: Special Types of Sales
    • Auction sales: Legal framework and rules
    • Sales by description and sample
    • Sale of unascertained and future goods
    • Sales involving the transfer of title by a non-owner
  • Week 8: Hire Purchase Agreement & Hypothecation Agreement
    • Hire Purchase Agreement
    • Hypothecation Agreement
    • Difference between Hire Purchase Agreement & Hypothecation Agreement
    • Drafting of Hire Purchase Agreement

Assessment and Certification:

  • Final Examination: At the end of the course, a comprehensive examination will be conducted.
  • Certificate of Completion: Participants who successfully complete the course with a passing grade will receive a Certificate of Completion.

Learning Materials:

  • Primary Text: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930 (Bare Act)
  • Supplementary Readings: Selected case laws, judicial pronouncements, and academic articles
  • Multimedia Content: Recorded lectures, case study videos, and discussion forums

Course Outcomes:

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the fundamental principles and provisions of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930.
  • Apply legal principles to real-world scenarios involving the sale of goods.
  • Analyze the rights and obligations of parties involved in the sale of goods.
  • Identify and assess legal remedies available in cases of breach of sale contracts.

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