Constitution, Powers and Functions of Family CourtsThis article is written by Dipanshu Sharma, Bahra University, 3rd Year (BALLB), during his internship at LeDroit India.KeywordsFamily Courts, India, Family Courts Act 1984, jurisdiction, matrimonial disputes, child custody.AbstractThe establishment of Family Courts in...
Balfour v. Balfour (1919)
This case analysis is written by Aishwarya Mudgadkar, College: MP LAW COLLEGE [4th year], during internship at LeDroit India.In this court ruling, the judges noted that the agreement could not be enforced because it was a domestic arrangement between husband...
Divorce under Hindu Marriage Act
This article is written by Shobhit Chakravarty B.L.S., LL.B 1st year law student of KLE LAW College during his internship at Le Droit India.Keywords: Divorce, Manu, Separation, Arthashastra, Marriage, Dissolution,IntroductionDivorce was not a concept known to everyone since the very...
Concept of divorce under Muslim law
Author – Ritwick Kundu, LL.B., 2nd year, Bharati VidyapeethKeywords – Social engineering, CrPC, Maintenance, Hindu Marriage Act, Domestic Violence Act, Triple talaq, Shayara Bano case. Abstract –Divorce is not a very pleasant topic to discuss because here the separation of two...