Satyam Scandal

This article is written by Chhajed Ruchita Ishwar Sunita,  Thakur Ramnarayan College of Law, BLS LLB during his/her  internship at LeDroit India.

Company’s Background

The company Satyam Computer Services was founded in 1987 by Ramalinga  Raju. Satyam’s core services included software development, engineering  design, software integration into systems, ERP solutions, consultation, IT  outsourcing, electronic commerce, customer relationship management, and  system maintenance. The company operated in 45 countries across the world  and provided information technology services to more than 270 companies in  different parts of the world.

The expertise of Satyam’s employee had led to partnership deals with 76  Fortune 500 companies, hence, its rapid expansion into a top IT company in India. Satyam’s rapid growth was based on core organizational values that  included belief in people, customer orientation, the pursuit of excellence, and  entrepreneurship. In 2003, Satyam signed a partnership deal with the World  Health Organization (WHO) to provide IT services. Two years later, the  company was ranked highly by Global Institutional Investors for its exceptional  corporate governance. In 2008, Satyam was awarded the “Global Peacock  Award” by the World Council for Corporate Governance. Satyam’s corporate  accountability award was ironic because a few months later, India’s biggest  scandal erupted and revealed the company’s unethical corporate governance .

Scandal: In Brief

According to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), the scandal began in  1999 when Satyam embarked on a plan to multiply its annual growth. The main growth strategy involved the manipulation of financial statements. The purpose  of altering financial accounts was twofold. First, the chairman wanted to keep  the company’s share price high in the various stock exchanges that it was listed.  A high share price was an indication that the company was doing well  financially. On the other hand, it was a strategy to increase investors’  confidence in the company. Second, Raju wanted to boost the company’s  market capitalization in order to attract more investors.

This strategy worked because Satyam was awarded by many organizations for  its remarkable growth and corporate governance. The scandal was made public  in 2009 when the company’s

chairman, Ramalinga Raju, revealed that he had manipulated financial accounts  to the tune of US$1.47 billion. Raju stated that the fraud began as a marginal  gap between the company’s actual operating profit and the numbers that  appeared in the account books. Between 2003 and 2008, the company created  false clients, projects, and invoices in order to falsify the company’s financial  performance, improve its profile in the IT sector, and attract more customers. In  2009, Satyam falsified its sales and recorded Rs. 5200 crore instead of the real  Rs 4100 crore. In addition, profits were inflated from 3% to 24%.

The financial results announced in 2009 were highly inflated. For instance,  quarterly revenues were inflated by 75%, while operating profits were inflated  by 97 percent. The marginal gap widened over the years, and when it was too  wide to hide, the chairman confessed to engaging in illegal accounting practices.  According to Raju, the manipulation was done because of the fear that the  company’s performance would lead to a hostile takeover. The company’s  promoters held a small percentage of equity that was not enough to boost the company’s financial performance. As the company grew, the marginal gaps grew so big that the chairman could no longer hide the company’s poor  financial performance.

On 16 December 2008, Raju announced that the company was planning to  purchase two companies belonging to Maytas i.e. Maytas Infrastructure Limited  and Maytas Properties Limited. Satyam’s investors rejected the proposal  because the two companies were operated by Raju’s family. Investors were  dissatisfied with Raju’s leadership style as well as the company’s corporate  governance. The World Bank surprised Satyam by cancelling all business  transactions between them and imposing a suspension. The bank accused  Satyam of bribing employees and providing staff members with unauthorized  benefits that raised suspicion of unethical corporate governance. In addition, the  company was accused of stealing data that is used to improve its business  operations.

The suspension caused a further 14% decline in share price, which was the  lowest Satyam had experienced in over 4 years. The plunges in share price  exposed the company’s poor financial situation. As a result, Raju, revealed the  financial fraud, and stepped down as the chairman. He disclosed that buying the  two Maytas companies was his last attempt at altering the company’s financial accounts by replacing fictitious assets with real assets. He was trying to cover up  his unethical practices. After the fraud’s disclosure, the government took over  control of the company and began investigations into the scandal.

Seven days after Raju admitted to manipulating financial accounts,  PriceWaterhouseCoopers revealed that its auditors presented a falsified audit report. The auditors had used manipulated financial statements provided by  Satyam’s management team. The auditors played a key role in the fraud because  Satyam’s head of global audit fabricated customer identities, created fake  invoices to inflate the company’s earnings, and falsified board resolutions and  secured loans without following legal procedures. The money acquired through

American Depository Receipts in the United States was misappropriated  because it was always excluded from Satyam’s balance sheet.

The company’s promoters played a significant role in the fraud as well. For  example, they sold their shares at inflated prices and took advantage of  unsuspecting investors. The stake of the promoters in the company declined  from 25.6% in 2001 to 8.74 in 2008 (as shown in table). This decline in  ownership revealed that the fraud was premeditated and that the participants  planned to steal money from investors.

As on Promoter’s stake in Satyam (%)

March 2001 25.6

2002 22.26

2003 20.74

2004 17.35

2005 15.67

2006 14.02

2007 8.79

2008 8.74

Dec 2008 2.18

A large percentage of the cash raised by the company was used to buy land in  order to take advantage of the realty market that was blooming. The land was  then put under the management of two companies owned by Raju’s family, namely Maytas Properties and

Maytas Infrastructure. These lucrative purchases left little money that Saytam  could use to fund its day-to-day operations. The company was destined for  failure because a large percentage of the money and bank balances are shown in the balance sheet were non-existent.

According to the Serious Fraud Investigation Office, Satyam paid Rs. 186.91  crores as a tax within a period of seven years for fictitious fixed deposit  accounts that top executives had created to siphon money from the company.  The company’s software developers and system administrators also played a  minor role in the fraud. For example, details of Satyam’s financial accounts  were stored in two different Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. The company’s IT  specialists participated in the fraud because they created fake invoices and bills  for inclusion in the balance sheet. They used advanced software programs to  create fictitious invoices and bills.

The role of the auditors was to ensure that Satyam did not engage in unethical accounting practices. However, their contribution was critical because, for the  many years that they audited the company’s accounts, they never identified any  unethical dealings. After the fraud’s discovery, they confessed that they only  relied on the financial statements they received from Satyam’s management.  Their lack of vigilance was appalling.


The Satyam accounting fraud is the largest fraud scandal to happen in the  history of India. It was conducted over a period of about 10 years by the  company’s chairman and other top executives. It is evident from the foregoing  discussion that Satyam’s management did not honor the code of ethics and  standards that govern the accounting profession. They inflated their financial  accounts to present a false image of their company’s financial performance. The  scandal was exposed by Merrill Lynch after discovering financial  inconsistencies in the financial statements of Satyam. The chairman and other  top executives resigned, the company’s share price fell drastically, investors lost  $2.2 billion, and the government appointed a board to handle the situation. The  company was sold to Tech Mahindra, and the two entities merged to form  Mahindra Satyam. The Satyam accounting fraud occurred due to many years of  financial manipulation of accounts that was intended to fool investors and the  public into believing that Satyam was performing well financially. Such  occurrences can be avoided by adhering to accounting ethics, honoring business  ethics, and by promoting transparency and accountability within organizations.

References : 

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