Legal Corporate Combo

Creating a career in corporate sector as a lawyer is not an easy task, as you have to be the jack of all trades. You cannot advise a company by having knowledge about a single field you need to have knowledge in all the fields to guide your company how to deal with a complex business deal, or how to enter a business contract.

The present combo covers most of the essential knowledge you need to start your career in corporate sector, these skills will help you in in applying for any corporate job whether the role is of a Contract Analyst or a Legal Advisor.

There are 4 courses covered in this legal corporate combo:

1.Intellectual Property Rights- Starting 18th March,2024

2. Contract Drafting -Starting 20th March,2024

3.Software Contract-Starting 10th April,2024.

Don’t worry the classes won’t clash with each other we have arranged timings to give you enough break to learn efficiently.

Why You Should Take This Combo?

The courses are completely practical, but we do start from basics to make sure you understand everything. There will be practical assignments at the end of the courses, where faculty will give you personal face to face feedback on your performance and how you can improvise.

Intellectual Property Rights


  1. Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights
  2. Types of Intellectual Properties
  3. Working and system followed in India
  4. Overview of Trade Secrets and Geographical Indication


1. What is a Trademark?
2. Types of Logo
3. What can be Trademarked?
4. Characteristics of a good Trademark
5. How to do a Trademark Search?
6. Filing and Drafting of Trademark
7. Replying to Trademark Objection
8. Trademark Infringement


1. What is a Patent?
2. Law governing Patent in India

3. What can be Patented?
4. Essentials for a Patent
5. Procedure for filing a Patent
6. Revocation and Opposition to Patent Application
7. Licensing and Assignment of Patent


1. Meaning and Definition of Copyright
2. Law’s governing Copyright in India
3. Copyright Societies
4. Copyright Infringement
5. Procedure for filing for a Copyright
6. Making of Copyright application
7. Copyright Assignment and Licensing
8. Copyright Infringement

Contract Law and Drafting


  1. What are Contracts?
  2. Types of Contracts:-On the basis of its enforcement
  3. On the basis of mode of creation
  4. On the basis of extent of execution
  5. E-Contracts and its validity.


  1. Standard Form of Contracts
  2. Importance of Standard form of contracts
  3. Types of Standard form of Contracts


  1. Registration of Contracts
  2. Contracts which require registration
  3. Contract’s which don’t require registration
  4. Stamping
  5. Attestation & Notarization


  1. Breach of Contract
  2. Common Breaches
  3. Damages
  4. Types of Damages
  5. Remedies for breach of contract


  1. Drafting of a contract:-
  2. Operating Clause
  3. Boilerplate Clauses
  4. Risk mitigation clauses

MODULE 6: Drafting of Contracts and Documents:

  1. Master Service Agreement
  2. Service Agreement
  3. Incentive Contracts& Time and Material Contracts
  4. Labour-Hour contracts
  5. Indefinite-Delivery Contracts
  6. Employee Contracts
  7. Non-Disclosure Agreements
  8. Memorandum of Understanding

Software Contracts Drafting:

Course Content:

  • MODULE 1:
  • Introduction to Technology Contracts,
  • Technology Contract  V. Traditional Contracts,
  • Software Contracts.
  • MODULE 2:
  • What are Software Development Contracts,
  • Kinds of Software Development contracts,
  • Software Development Process,
  • Drafting of Software Development Contract,
  • Drafted Sample Software Development Agreement for better understanding.
  • MODULE 3:
  • Software License Agreements,
  • Software License and Support Agreements,
  • Types of Software License Agreement,
  • Drafting of Software license and support agreements.
  • MODULE 4:
  • Software Outsourcing Agreements,
  • How Software is outsourced,
  • Drafting of Software outsourcing Agreement,
  • MODULE 5:
  • Open Source Software Agreements & other IT Agreements like-Escrow Agreements,
  • Drafting of Open Source Software Agreements & additional drafts
  • Key Features Of The Course:
  • Live doubt clearing session
  • Live Classes
  • Recordings of the classes after completion of the course will be provided
  • Life time access to the course materials
  • 24/7 Online Assistance
  • Sample Drafts & learning exercises


  • Intellectual Property Rights-2500/-
  • Contract Law and Drafting-1500/-
  • Software Contracts-2000/-
  • Total= 6000 4500/-

Registration Process:
To register kindly make the payment first of INR 4500/-(OFFER VALID TILL 18th March) and make a note of transaction ID ,after making the payment fill up the registration form below, to buy this course. If you face any trouble while making payment Paytm or Gpay us on 6204801978.


To Register- Click Here.

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