Goods and Services tax import Value Added Tax (VAT) , that is indirect tax levy on manufacture , sale and expenditure of goods and also services at the national level. Implementation of GST in India is ‘Dual’ in temper.
The prior system of indirect taxation had a glut of taxes recoverable by the Government. This had led to complex and conflicting principles of taxes levied by the centre and states. There was no analogousness in tax rates and structure across states. Goods and Services Tax ,which subsumes a large number of central and state taxes into a single tax is meant to reduce the cascading effect of taxes provides consolidate credit and makes way for a common market.
Constitutional Reform:-
The object of national Goods and Services Tax was mooted by kelkar Task Force in 2004. GST availed momentum in the year 2014 and become the constitution (101st Amendment Act ) ,2016 , that paved the way for the introduction of the GST. The constitution (101st Amendment ) Act , 2016 has 20 section and also inserted new Article 279A which empowering president to constitute GST council was notified on 12.09.2016.
Flaw in earlier tax laws:-
- Double taxation of a transaction as both goods and services.
- Non – integration of VAT and Service tax.
- Non inclusion of several local levies in a state VAT.
- Cascading effect of taxes on account of-
- Levy of non VATABLE CST
- Inclusion of CENVAT in the value for imposing VAT.
Issue in implementation of GST:-
The body structure of GST accomplish if the country has a strong IT network. Surplus, the GST dispensation seems to lay aside the emerging sector of e-commerce. India has adopted dual GST instead of national GST . This dual ethos made the thorough body complicated in India. The centre has to counterpart with 28 states 9 union territories that why is likely to create economic as well political issues.
- GST confer comprehensive and continuous chain of tax credits from the producer.
- There is no tax on tax or cascading of taxes under GSTs system.
- This GST does not differentiate between goods and services therefore, the two are taxed at single rate.
- GST is a value added tax levied on manufacture , consumption of goods , service and sale .
- Every person will get credit for the taxes paid at earlier stage. The consumer will bear the final tax.
- Central Goods and Service tax Act,2017 (CGST)
- State Goods and Service tax Act, 2017(SGST)
- Union territory Goods Services tax,2017(UTGST)
- Integrated Goods and Services tax, 2017(IGST)
- GST Compensation Act,2017
- Every person registered under VAT ,central excise or services tax etc. Having a valid PAN would be provisionally registered . Further , particulars to be provided (online) to enable final registration.
- Where taxable person having centralized registration under the earlier law has obtained a registration under the CGST Act , such person shall be allowed to take in his Electronic Credit Ledger, the credit of the amount of CENVAT credit carried forward in a return , in respect of the period ending with the day immediately preceding 1st July ,2017.
- The common input services for services received before GST by an Input Services Distributor would be available for distribution as credit under GST even if invoice (s) relating to such services is received on or after implementation of GST.
- Many dealers and works contractors may not find it economically viable especially if, they are into business to business (B2B)transactions. However , if such dealer opt for a regular scheme under GST, the credit on inputs held in stock and inputs contained in semi –finished or finished goods held in stock on 1st July, 2017 is allowed subject to certain condition.
- All manufacture / traders and to a lesser extent services providers would have stock of goods which may be in the from of raw material and finished goods.
- GST given the control of businesses to central and state government with businessmen binding by laws. This arised complexity for many businessmen over the nation.
- Everything is online under GST and it is create issue for small businesses/ taxpayers people are computer illiterates and do not have computers and concerned infrastructure.
- GST will increase the operational costs due to employing of tax professionals to be GST complaint. Further , businesses will need to train their employees in GST adherence.
- Under new businesses and small people may require hiring professionals . it will generate problems for small and new businesses.
- In new GST system Adoption and migration is a complex task for which the GST council has made various relaxation over the period.
- GST is being envisaged as a single taxation system but in real it is a dual tax in which state and centre both collect separate tax on a single transaction of sale and service.
- In GST businesses have to either update their existing accounting and ERP software to GST – Complaint one and buy a GST software so that they can keep their business going , but both the options lead to enhanced cost.
- Under GST also there are varied tax rates.
- There are issues because of varied state registrations under GST. Businesses and Firms are now needed to register for GST in every state they operate.
In the conclusion we can state that GST conferred new opportunity to bring ONE NATION and ONE MARKET. Centre and State major through widening of tax base and improvement in tax adherence and have a positive impact on various sectors and industry as well. Electronic processing of tax returns , refunds , and tax payment through ‘ GSTNET’ without human intervention , will reduce corruption and tax masquerade.
This article is written by DEEPANJALI TIWARI,BA LLB 4TH YEAR,LCIT COLLEGE BILASPUR (C.G) during her internship.