About Course
“The man who is prepared has his battle half fought”- Miguel de Cervantes. Legal Research is a skill demanded in every stage of a legal career. Be it a law student, a litigant, academician or a corporate lawyer. Researching is a skill that defines you! Skill that has the capacity to build your legal career.
We have created this course to enlighten every young law aspirant or advocate with the types, process and methods of researching. Researching is an art and we want you to learn this art and embrace it your own way.
In the present course you’ll be learning about:
What is Legal Research
Types of Legal Research
Different methods of doing a Legal Research
How to start with the Legal Research
Process of Legal Research
Usage of Websites and Citations in Legal Research
Sample materials illustrating how to implement the research done.
How you’ll be marked?
After completion of the course, send us an email at ledroitonline@gmail.com with the subject “(Name of the course) Complete”, we’ll send you the assignment which you have to submit to us within 48 hours. After going through your assignments we’ll send you the soft copy of your certificates.